Archive for December, 2007

Shoemoney Schwag

Thursday, December 27th, 2007

One of my inspirations to this whole schwag ordeal was Jeremy “Shoemoney” Schoemaker who sent me a box of Shoemoney and NextPimp goodness which I received over the weekend. Included within were a few shirts, pens, pads, and magnets:

Here’s me modeling the shirt that fits. (What’s with you guys sending me medium women shirts when my boobs are clearly bigger than that?!)


Here’s the other stuff. 🙂


Thanks Jeremy!

Sweet Cajun Fire Mix!

Thursday, December 27th, 2007

Okay, this “schwag” score somewhat has a back story to it. I had this awesome mix at a friend’s house over the holidays a few months ago. After a recent craving, I tried to find out where they came from. Turns out they’re the Free Range Snack Company located in Denver, CO, and they don’t sell locally. 🙁

So I emailed them and asked if I can buy direct. Unfortunately, the answer is no. But they sent me two mixes and the food rocks!

Sweet Cajun Fire Mix - this stuff rocks

By the way, if anyone lives in Denver or where this snack mix is sold, I will pay you to hook me up! Thanks to Bill and the guys at Free Range Snack Co. for the really kind gift!

Happy Webbies T-Shirt

Wednesday, December 26th, 2007

Are you a web nerd? Then you might like the Happy Webbies T-Shirts that they sell at their store. Thanks to Rhea, I got hooked up with this awesome shirt featuring Eric Meyer:

Happy Webbies T-Shirt

Here’s a picture of Rhea and me (she has the same shirt!)

Rhea Drysdale and Tamar Weinberg - Pubcon Vegas 2007

Thanks to the Happy Webbies folks!

Pole Position Marketing USB Cup Warmer

Monday, December 24th, 2007

Last week, Stoney DeGeyter and Michelle at Pole Position Marketing were kind to send an awesome USB Cup Warmer. Now I’ve never had one of these and see everyone talking about them, so I’m very glad to finally be part of that club. Thanks Stoney and Michelle and everyone else 🙂
