Archive for April, 2008

SXSW T-Shirts

Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

So as I said, I brought home a lot of t-shirts from SXSW. Here’s a picture of me holding everything:

After the jump, check out the rest of the shirts:


Cool SXSW Schwag

Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

There was a ton of schwag at South by Southwest (SXSW), so I had to be selective about what I brought home. In other words, I avoided the magazines and pamphlets (because as I already mentioned, my luggage required a $20 fee to haul down the heavier stuff — which includes about 30 shirts to be posted soon!).

Here were the better items in the registration bag:

This includes a lanyard from Fuze (which, if you’ve never tried it, is pretty good), a coupon for one free Fuze drink (not pictured), a Fuze guitar pick (one of many guitar picks that I came across at the conference), an O’Reilly Games and Puzzles book, an iContact sticker, an Ask500 sticker, an Opera browser cup thingy, and a Soma FM sticker.

The bag was designed by Hugh MacLeod of Gaping Void who offers cartoons drawn on the back of business cards — usually.



I sat in on one of Hugh’s sessions (maybe his only one?) and I still have to post the liveblog of it on my social media blog.

Sage Rock Pins

Tuesday, April 29th, 2008

Web marketing firm Sage Rock had a really creative campaign going on at SES New York in March. They offered a collection of pins which are shown below:

The pins display the following text. Apologies for the flash that interfered with some of these pictures:

  • I love internets
  • RSS
  • My SEO Can Beat Up Your SEO
  • My name is URL
  • This is link bait
  • Not pictured: a black pin that says </badseo> (the pin seemed to have sneaked away, but I finally found the bugger)

(Update: Here’s the last pin!)

Nice idea, guys. These pins are really cool.

Startup Schwag: T-Shirt and More Great Stickers

Monday, April 28th, 2008

Last month, Startup Schwag sent a grab bag filled with goodies from my favorite startups, including Ustream.TV, Dawdle, FormSpring, and New China Career. Here’s a pic of the cool stuff:

If you want some really sweet high-quality schwag, hop on over to Startup Schwag and sign up!