Archive for June, 2008 Mousepad

Thursday, June 5th, 2008 had a smart looking mousepad at SMX West in February. Beyond your regular cool designs, this one is personalizable with your own picture.

You just need to hope that your mousepad doesn’t get dirty or that memorable picture will get ugly! 😛

Slifter Measuring Tape

Thursday, June 5th, 2008

Slifter, the mobile local product search engine,gave away measuring tape SES New York. It’s a smart and practical idea and it’s thinner than the average measuring tape so it’s easy to pack in your bag when you travel.

ABCSearch Has Magnetic Clickers

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

ABCSearch e-business has these awesome clickable magnets at every single search conference I’ve ever been to. You toss them in the air and they make the coolest noise (but they could be really annoying if you don’t have your own set of magnets to play with). In any event, they seriously rock.

ABC Search: because they bring you clicks.

SuperPages Foam Guns

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

My friend Curtis at Superb Hosting loves this schwag, and in honor of him, I post the Super Pages yellow pages foam guns that you may have seen at SMX West.

A note of caution: don’t put the “bullets” around your fingers. Even if it doesn’t hurt, it does cut off circulation. I warned you (and I speak from experience. Um, yeah really).