Archive for July, 2008

FreshBooks Schwag and Cool Gear

Thursday, July 31st, 2008

In March, I was pleased to make the acquaintance of several folks from online invoicing site FreshBooks who were handing out one of the smartest pieces of schwag of the event: hangover kits. Naturally, you didn’t have to go get them yourself as they were hanging these little kits on your door so that when you arrived, dazed and confused, back at your hotel, you had something to fall upon for the next morning.

Here’s a picture of me with the FreshBooks team in Austin:

This is a close-up of the hangover kit (or better phrased as “survival kit”):

But that’s not all FreshBooks has done. Sunir Shah, the Chief Handshaker at FreshBooks, told me that they took their creativity a step further at the HOW Design Conference two months later in May. You can see photos of their creative booth (and schwag, too!) by looking at this sweet Flickr photoset. If you want to see more and the execution, check this incredibly awesome time lapse video:

Finally, a little later in May at the MediaBistro Circus, I personally met Saul Colt, Head of Magic at FreshBooks. He had the coolest shoes on (and the shirt I highlighted once before).

The shoes:

And the shirt, once again!

FreshBooks is awesome. They have a compelling invoicing product (which I use), creative marketing minds, and a super team. 🙂

RG/A Organic Turf ‘N Tin

Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

At SXSW, there was one pretty unique piece of schwag — so unique that I had to bring it home though the tin can got dented in my luggage. Regardless, this RG/A Turf ‘N Tin is more memorable than other pieces of schwag. Check it out.

You can grow your own grass in this thing! Pretty cool, eh?

When the grass is grown, I’ll provide an update. Till then, stay tuned!

Finger Puppets!

Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

I met Colleen Coplick of Type A Public Relations at a Google party at South by Southwest, and she had all these really cool finger puppets.

I got them to pose for the camera which was pretty hard, but here they are:

Thanks Colleen! 🙂

SecureZIP T-Shirts

Monday, July 28th, 2008

Free data security software suite SecureZIP sent in these funny shirts for me and the hubby. The back of it says “I’m a YES man” (or “I’m a YES woman” depending on who wears it) 😉

Gotta hand it to them — this is a shirt that will make heads turn!