
Who am I?

My name is Tamar Weinberg. I’ve been a blogger since 2000 but visible in the online space covering social media marketing since 2006. You can find me on my regular blog at Techipedia. I’ve written for Real Simple Magazine, Lifehacker, Mashable, and many others.

This site initially arose from a desire to go to every trade show and score as many promotional items as possible. I have a closet filled to the brim with the stuff. But truth be told, once I became a mommy, the visits to the trade shows stopped. (I did, however, quite enjoy everyone asking me for advice on “what’s the best conference schwag out there?”) As a mom, my focus shifted, and I started visiting those mom blogs in order to 1) learn how to be a better domestic diva 2) see what great products there were for my kids 3) see what great products there were for me! In 2012, I decided to take this site to another level to offer reviews and giveaways on the site.

My site isn’t like the other mom blogs out there. My roots simply aren’t in the mom blog arena. I’m not trying to be like the mom bloggers, though I admire them a ton. Since I started in marketing, I intend to continue using this blog to reach moms (I know where they’re at!) but also to reach my typical audience of online marketing enthusiasts and everyone in between.

You can learn more about me by joining my 38k+ followers on Twitter or my 3k+ subscribers on Facebook.

What’s new? (Updated: 2018)

Lately, I’ve come across dozens of products that I feel aren’t getting enough love on sites that are very competitive. Yes, I think we both know what site(s?) I’m talking about. I’ve changed my methodology. These days, I seek out cool products that have no reviews and review them here (and there, assuming they’d let me). I’m not being compensated to do so, but I simply am using a platform that has been active to talk about these things that might have utility to someone eventually.