Sweet Cajun Fire Mix! 27th December, 2007
Okay, this “schwag” score somewhat has a back story to it. I had this awesome mix at a friend’s house over the holidays a few months ago. After a recent craving, I tried to find out where they came from. Turns out they’re the Free Range Snack Company located in Denver, CO, and they don’t sell locally. 🙁
So I emailed them and asked if I can buy direct. Unfortunately, the answer is no. But they sent me two mixes and the food rocks!
By the way, if anyone lives in Denver or where this snack mix is sold, I will pay you to hook me up! Thanks to Bill and the guys at Free Range Snack Co. for the really kind gift!
December 27th, 2007 at 4:57 pm
Tamar, you know you have a friend in Denver! I haven’t seen this stuff, but then again I’m not a regular at the grocery store. I’ll try to bring some to the next conference (SMX West?) if you remind me.
December 27th, 2007 at 4:58 pm
Yeah, West. Or I’ll pay you shipping + product price to buy out a store. Seriously.
I’ll try to get specifics from them about where it’s carried. 😉 They’ve already been alerted to the presence of this website.
(btw, since I took that picture – on the weekend – both containers are all gone.)
Thanks Jon 🙂
December 29th, 2007 at 10:40 am
Reminds me of the Snacks we had in a Hotel in Bahrain – we can’t find them anywhere here in Kuwait 🙁
They even look similar to the 2nd Snack Box 🙂
February 8th, 2008 at 12:22 am
I just did a google search and found your blog. I bought a package of these tonight at King Soopers and would love to “hook you up.”
February 8th, 2008 at 12:23 am
They are great, right, Tyra? My address and contact info is on the about page. Thanks! 🙂
February 12th, 2010 at 12:58 pm
I know the craving. My wife used to fly through Denver once or twice a month and at the airport in concourse C, there is a shop called Skysnax. Little expensive but she loves them. Here is how much she loves them. I recently told her I had to go to Minnesota for business. I mentioned that I would be hitting Denver and had a 20 to 30 layover. She asked me to get her some of those snacks. By the time I got of my first leg of the trip I had about 15 minutes. I called my wife, asked her what it was called, where it was located and she sent me on my way. I hoped the rail and went from concourse A to Concourse C. All the while, sweating the fact that I might miss my next flight. I found the shop and got about 3 pounds and darted back to catch my plane. I made the plane and made my wife a happy woman. I have to go back to minnesota in 3 weeks and her reply was, you can get me more of it, can’t you? Of course, I will.
I wish they would sell this stuff online….it would do very well.
February 12th, 2010 at 1:01 pm
Ha David, your story is similar to mine.
The Free Range Snack Company Sweet Cajun Mix is nowhere located near me in NYC, so I had a friend of mine from Texas ship about 8 lbs to me! I HAD to have it. And it was worth every penny.
February 12th, 2010 at 1:23 pm
I wonder, did they mention why they do not sell direct? Do they only sell to vendors?
February 12th, 2010 at 1:24 pm
I think so. This was years ago… I mentioned that I’d like to order online and they just don’t. 🙁 It’s so sad. Their stuff is SO good.