Archive for January, 2008

Mixx T-Shirt and Hat

Thursday, January 31st, 2008

As many of you may know from my other blog, I’m a big fan of social news site Mixx. I was pleasantly surprised when they asked for my address and then sent me a nice shirt and hat.

Mixx T-Shirt (Front)
Mixx T-Shirt (Back)

Mixx Cap

This wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for the folks like Chris and Kerry who made it happen, so thank you to both of you (and the rest of you who were involved in the giveaway!) Schwag

Thursday, January 31st, 2008, a site for coupons and deals, sent me a cool schwag bag of a cup holder and a shirt, as seen below.

ShoppingBookmarks Schwag

Thanks to whoever you are who sent this! 🙂

Liveball Basketball Set

Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

At ad:Tech, there was a booth where you had to shoot foam balls into a hole courtesy of Liveball from ion interactive. Sadly, the foam shooter thing didn’t quite work. Fortunately, they ended up giving me the prize anyway: a grab bag of cool stuff, which included this cool basketball set that you can hang on your door.

Liveball Basketball Set

Liveball offers post-click marketing where advertisers can buy clicks and Liveball aims to convert them to traffic with landing page tweaks.

Thanks guys!

Reddit Bobblehead

Monday, January 28th, 2008

Social news site Reddit has come out with some super awesome bobbleheads. This is what it looks like:

Reddit Bobblehead

Totally awesome. As I’ve suggested before, I love desk toys and this is one of the cooler ones!

Thanks to Wealer (and his friend Jim Hopkinson at