Super Sweet Microsoft Schwag 7th May, 2008

A really nice person named Kristin on the Windows Live team sent me a sweet grab bag of totally awesome Microsoft goodies.

Included in the bunch:

  • A Searchification 07 shirt
  • A nice laptop bag
  • A USB thumb drive
  • Pens!
  • A keychain thingy
  • A passport holder
  • A TSA-approved luggage lock
  • 2 tins of mints

8 Responses to “Super Sweet Microsoft Schwag”

  1. Jeremiah Andrick says...

    This is cool stuff! Those folks from microsoft are very nice.

  2. Tamar Weinberg says...

    They really are, Jeremiah. I <3 them.

  3. IBNE Akthar says...


    How can i get one of these bag?


  4. Tamar Weinberg says...

    I think you need to buy them.

  5. IBNE Akthar says...

    ok fine,

    can you tell me where?

  6. Tamar Weinberg says...

    I don’t know — I didn’t buy it.

  7. IBNE Akthar says...

    ok many thanks.

  8. Jeremiah Andrick says...

    Ha Ha. make checks payable to… msschwag store