Archive for July, 2011

Wetpaint Putty and Frisbee

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

Wetpaint is a wiki service. They also help you make your own designs with putty.

And they have family-friendly frisbees.

Raven Tools Piggy Bank

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

You can’t go wrong with Raven Tools, an Internet marketing tools service.

At SXSW, they had these awesome piggy banks. Here’s one (you can’t tell it’s a bank, but hopefully you enjoy the little one in the background as he was mad at me for photographing his toy!)

They also had these really awesome t-shirts.

addieu Sticker

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

addieu (pronounced add-you) is an iPhone app and a way to easily connect with all your friends. Damien Basile, who I met at SXSW, was behind this great concept, and here’s the sticker to prove it.

.co Schwag

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

.co, a top level domain name which I personally would recommend buying by Namecheap, had a huge presence at this year’s SXSW.

This plastic lightbulb was filled to the brim with Jelly Belly jellybeans. Very attractive!

They also had a permanent marker (orange, of course) on a keychain. Smart:

…and sunglasses. Yes, the sunglasses:

.co gave away the loot in branded bags and also had this T-shirt air brushing station. I did get a t-shirt for my son, but it’s covered in chocolate as I write this (and I picked out the wrong design, but that’s a story for another day.)