eVisibility Water Bottle 29th October, 2008

A few months ago, I posted photos of a bunch of water bottles that I’ve received in the past. Internet marketing firm eVisibility has reminded us how important it is to stay hydrated with this cool water bottle:

eVisibility has done more clever schwag in the past — for the SEOs out there, you would appreciate their awesome nofollow t-shirt.

4 Responses to “eVisibility Water Bottle”

  1. Miguel Salcido says...

    LOL, I saw your Flickr for this in my Google alerts this morning! Google alerts is like stalking in steroids. Glad you like our Schwag, we will be sure to keep it coming? Have you moved into a bigger place yet to house all of your Schwag?

    You should start a Schwag museum!

  2. Tamar Weinberg says...

    Actually, yes 🙂 The new address is on my about page. TAKE NOTE 😀

  3. Fumi Matsubara says...

    I am taking note, looking for stuff to send as we speak. Actually, I know exactly what to send!

  4. imnotadoctor says...

    That some sweet schwag! Didn’t even know we sent it to ya.

    Keep rocking the schwag


    Kyle (ahhhahah)