T-Shirt Schwag from SES San Jose 2007 18th December, 2007

When I was at Search Engine Strategies San Jose, CA in August of this year, I ended up carrying a lot more home than I initially brought with me from my home state of New York. Among these were T-shirts from 11 different folks:

SES San Jose 2007 Schwag: Shirts Only

Here’s the comprehensive list from left to right, top to bottom (for the most part):

  1. Zvents.com, a website where you can discover things that you can do in your local area.
  2. The Google Dance 2007 T-shirt (I attended the Google dance as well.)
  3. Acquisio’s PPC Software company came out with an amazing shirt (a hot item) that displays in big letters, “I hate doing this $h!t” 🙂
  4. Moniker.com, the domain name registrar
  5. Hacker Safe to protect your site against intrusions.
  6. Best of the Web is really one of the best web directories around.
  7. An awesome Google Analytics shirt I fought Matt Bailey for one night. I also have to thank Kim Krause Berg for scoring the shirt to begin with.
  8. Hakia.com, a search engine that combines elements of search and social networking. Shoutouts to Amitava Mitra from the Hakia crew.
  9. Two shirts from Range Online Media, a search agency which has renowned search marketer Todd Friesen.
  10. Linkworth, another great online marketing portal.
  11. SureHits, an excellent ad network for insurance and loans run by my great friend Jon Kelly.

I’ll probably end up wearing everything here in future blog posts as inspired by Jeremy Schoemaker on his Free Shirt Friday theme posts. I don’t intend to run out of content just yet, but be sure to help me! 😉

7 Responses to “T-Shirt Schwag from SES San Jose 2007”

  1. Mark Dykeman says...

    Man, I could do my X-Mas shopping by buying some of your schwag!

  2. Tamar Weinberg says...

    You know, it’s funny because I said that going to conferences is a great way to score some nice holiday gifts. It’s so true! 🙂

  3. Adamap says...

    I’ve got the ‘I hate this..’ and the hackersafe shirts from SES and InternetRetailer ’07 respectively.

    My favorite shirt is from SES ’01 in Dallas; some now defunct company had a ‘search and sushi…freshness counts’ shirt that I still wear!

  4. Tamar Weinberg says...

    I need to go to more conferences.

  5. neal rodriguez says...

    not fair; i got like three t-shirts, the last ses i went to; and two of them looked young on me; so i handed them down to wife-e.

  6. Tamar Weinberg says...

    You have to be really pushy. It’s a NY thing. Cmon, Neal, I know you have it in you.

  7. GenieKnows Games T-Shirt | (Tamar Weinberg is a) Schwag Addict says...

    […] being told that I didn’t get a GenieKnows shirt at SES San Jose, I made sure to get one at SES New […]