Archive for May, 2008

Compete Thirst Quenching Analytics Glass

Friday, May 30th, 2008

Not long ago, I wrote about the Compete Karate dude. Well, Compete analytics has more to offer with one of the sturdiest glass cups I’ve seen at an expo. I know I got this somewhere on the west coast and it made its way safely through luggage back to my home in NY.

StartupSchwag Acknowledges Pownce and Others!

Friday, May 23rd, 2008

Last month’s awesome Startup Schwag giveaway included some great finds:

I wore that shirt out today! 🙂

Featured is a t-shirt for microblogging site Pownce, a StartupSchwag star, and stickers from SnapFoo,, sticker desginer, Entrecard, Allen Stern’s CenterNetworks social networking blog, and Blackberry site BBGeeks.

If you’re looking for some nice high quality schwag, go sign up to Startup Schwag today.

Geek Culture on Your Fingers, Cuffs, Hair, or Ears

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008

In probably one of the coolest ideas ever for a tech geek like myself, an awesome designer named Ricky has created the coolest wearable schwag (that isn’t clothing). 🙂 edm.designs is one of the most clever storefronts for one’s inner geek, and it certainly delivers. Ricky sent me three samples of some of the stuff she has available, including a ring, a barrette, and cufflinks (that I’d like to fight my husband for — seriously, they rock!)

Here are some photos that I took of my new scores:

Hair clip:

Cufflinks — super cool!


There’s a lot of eye candy in this store, and it’s great for father’s day too (hint hint) or for your boyfriend or girlfriend (or self!) any day of the year.

A better image:

Why it rocks: It’s different, unique, and a lot of fun to look at. With all those little nooks and crannies, you’re staring at the items for ages wondering how they were all put together.

Thanks Ricky! 🙂

NYC Bottle Opener

Tuesday, May 20th, 2008

At the recent Yahoo Searchlight Award ceremony, moderator Kevin Ryan of Incisive, Search Engine Strategies, and Search Engine Watch handed me one of these cool bottle openers. Kevin, you rock.

Thanks Kevin!