Poplabs Pins with Personality 19th September, 2008

I recently relocated and have been hiding in boxes for the past few weeks. I think I’m back now!

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming…

The Search Engine Marketing group, Poplabs, has been distributing pins with personality at recent conferences. I happen to think pins rock (but here’s an upcoming idea for schwag: a nice “device” to hang them all up for display!)

The Poplabs crew rocks, by the way. If you ever see them, tell Kelsey and Guliz that I say hi. Also, be sure to find Chuck and ask him to rap for you. Here’s a YouTube video of Chuck’s incredible SEM rapping talent:

(I have another one somewhere and that will be featured soon.)

3 Responses to “Poplabs Pins with Personality”

  1. Guliz Sicotte says...

    We really do have the coolest pins! 🙂 Stop by our booth at SMX East and grab some of the new ones. Kelsey will be there.

  2. Tamar Weinberg says...

    I definitely will, Guliz! 🙂 And yeah, you deserve a shoutout too! Fixing!

  3. Phila says...

    Great work.