Archive for October, 2009

Adobe Wire Management Tool

Friday, October 30th, 2009

Adobe has made it easy to manage your long iPod cable with this cool wire management system thingy that I got at SXSW this past March.

I think the concept is great. What say you?

Microsoft BizSpark Shot Glass

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

I don’t need cups anymore, but I do think that having shot glasses never gets old. Microsoft BizSpark, which is a software and support program for software startups, had a taller shot glass which is most welcome.

iPhone Dev Camp Bag

Monday, October 26th, 2009

A friend of mine attended an event in California that I couldn’t make: iPhone Dev Camp. So he saved me a souvenir:

This is the bag.

Wonder if it’ll be worth something some day?

My First Pair of Crocs

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

Crocs have been hyped around the world, and for good reason. Thanks to George G. Smith Jr, I am now the proud new owner of the Malindi version of the shoe, and let me just say that they are comfortable, stylish, lightweight, and fun to wear.

Here’s a picture of them:

I’m really hard to please when it comes to shoes. (Contrary to most females on this planet, I own very few pairs of shoes myself.) But I really liked the fact that they don’t add weight to suitcases and that they are easy to put on and off. And I can say with absolute certainty that you don’t need to break into them. They just work.

Further, for someone looking for a good looking shoe for the Yom Kippur holiday, which just passed, there are a LOT of stylish Crocs shoe options for you. Crocs are made of PCCR, which has two benefits. On Yom Kippur, you’re not allowed to wear leather shoes. A lot of people wear white Keds. (They don’t go with black suits or pants.) Fortunately, that’s no longer necessary. You can wear Crocs and actually look like you adequately planned for the holiday, a fact that I actually greatly appreciated last Monday. Another benefit of PCCR is odor elimination. These things don’t smell, and try hard to prevent your feet from sweating. They do a pretty darn good job too.

I always thought I’d grow up wearing sneakers, because that’s what I do. I now know I can mix it up a little bit. Thanks to the door George opened into my world, I’m definitely not done buying Crocs.